
Thursday, 22 September 2016

Dance Night

On dance night I wore a blue and white dress with brown boots and Sparkles in my hair with pink lip stick. We danced to the music 'footloose'. There is a movie and it's about a boy and a girl moving to a town with no music. We did a flash mob which means we had to sit in the crowd like normal people but when the music starts we jump up in the crowd.    
We had lots of fun doing our dance and we really enjoyed being on stage in front of the parents. 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

BFG art

Today we made  BFG art. To make it you need black paper and white paper. We first had to cut the black paper into a man with a cape and a trumpet.  After that  we made houses out of black paper and stuck them on to the bit of paper. 

My Published poems

Monday, 22 August 2016

School camp

this year on camp we went to a mride and had to do a hionge  we went to the velagrom and saw a nz biker we got to go to a musem we got t 

My Speech

If you qualified for the Olympic games you would go wouldn't you? Well,  the Olympic games is  good  but it is also bad because  you get robbed by people of Rio that need money.

Some of there people in Rio steal from athletes and tourists from all over the world, they do it because they are poor. The Australian athletes had to evacuate their accommodation because of a fire. While they were outside their laptops, phones and wallets were stolen from their rooms. Some of the athletes are too scared to even go into the local villages in case they get robbed.

One kiwi athlete was kidnapped and taken to a money machine by men dressed as Brazilian police officers. They made him take out all of his money and then they left him there. It would be cool to go to the Olympics, but unfortunately this is not what I would expect or what I would want, so I would not go.

Another reason I would not want to be competing in the Rio Olympics is because I would not want to compete against the Russian drug cheats. The Russians take drugs that make them faster and stronger than the other athletes but they do not work as hard to be there and that does not seem fair.

I think they should all be tested the day before they go and then the Olympic committee could choose whether or not they are clean to compete, and if they are not, then they should not go. I would not like to be beaten by someone who had taken drugs, I would feel like it hadn’t been a fair competition.

I think it would be frightening to do my talent in front of a huge audience. It would be terrible if you did something wrong and the whole audience went “Ohhhhhh!” That would definitely scare me. I think there would be a lot of pressure and I don’t think I would like that. Although it might be nice to represent my country, and visit Rio and show off in front of the crowd, I don’t think I would actually want to if I was selected.

So, you might think going to the Olympics would be really cool, but I think, that it is not really that safe, and there are too many dangerous risks. I think that I wouldn’t like to compete against drug cheats, and I think that I wouldn’t like the pressure of competing in front of such a big crowd. If I was selected to go to the Olympics, I would just say “Sorry, I can’t be there.”

Thursday, 11 August 2016

cross country 2016

Yesterday was cross country and it was such a good day for a run that the school made us run all the way round the lake. And yesterday I learned that you don't have to beat everyone, all you have to do is run. So I  think we  had a really different day than what I expected. And I know that this cross country was a good cross country. And I am really proud.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

my term 3 learning goals

To use topic sentences and good supporting ideas in my in my persuasive writing
To learn my 3, 4, 5 and 6 times tables off by heart
To learn my 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables off by heart
To participate really well in our class dance on dance night
To look after my property responsibly, like clothing reading books etc (not to lose things) 

Student of the week

Monday, 23 May 2016

my koru family

Mum is on the left.  I’m beside Dad because I like to go on the farm with him and I do a lot of things like him.  Annabelle is with Mum because they are both tidy.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

my term 2 goals

¨ To write an information report that has important facts in it
¨ To explain my strategies clearly to the group
¨ To learn the correct tikanga and rules for staying on a Marae
¨ To skim and scan over a text to find out information
¨ To give everything on school camp my very best effort and have fun

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Hide and Seek

Silence and wind then the shout of “Ready or not, here I come!” My heart was pounding as I hid in that small bush. I heard footsteps and someone came into the bush. It was only Arnav. We hid in that little bush as quietly as mice. I could see Katie and Luca under the stage. I saw  Logan. He looked under the stage and then he looked straight at me. He came over and found Arnav. Then it was time for round number 2. I felt so guilty when logan found me. I was so eager to hide from Shannon. I ran to the front the stage. Aria Angus and Arnav and were already there.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Otago rugby team visit

On Thursday we had a visit from otago rugby players. they showed us us some fun games to help our rugby skills.

we played so meany games this is the game ball dog the best game was ball dog

Sunday, 6 March 2016

athletics day

 This is me with all the girls and boys my age, running the sprints.I came second last.
We had to wait in our groups  
I got a great throw at the nerf, it went 3 metres.  
 Our next thing was shot-put. My group went first.
Kate had shown us how to do it.
We did 100 metres next. It was fun, but tiring.
I came second last. I beat Mads, but no-one else.
Last was the obstacle course. I did well.   

My collage self portrait

Easy Blog Photo

10 things about me

Easy Blog Photo

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

My term 1 learning goals

¨ Make sure I have my homework at school every Friday, ready to be marked
¨ To swim two lengths of the pool in the swimming sports
¨ To learn my 4 timestables in maths
¨ To use lots of interesting words in my writing
¨ To have nice slope and shape in my handwriting